Water Conservation in the Home

Studies have shown that 75% of water used in the home is used in the bathroom, 25% of this is used by toilets!

  • Check toilets for leaks: Add several drops of dark food colouring to the upper tank. If the water in the bowl is tinted after 15 minutes, the toilet tank is leaking
  • Install low flush toilets or consider reducing water consumption by placing full plastic bottles of water in the tank, away from the working mechanism
  • Avoid using the toilet for items that can simply go in the trash
  • Check faucets & pipes for leaks
  • Use your water meter to check for leaks
  • Install water saving shower heads & low flow faucet aerators
  • Take shorter showers, five minutes should do it
  • Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth
  • For shaving, rinse the razor in a small amount of water in the sink, not under a running tap
  • Use the washing machine & dishwasher only when they contain full loads
  • Minimize use of kitchen sink garbage disposal units
  • When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing
  • Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the fridge, rather than running the tap for cold water
  • Insulate the water pipes


Water Conservation in the Yard & Garden

  • Plant drought resistant lawns, shrubs and plants
  • Put a layer of mulch around trees and plants
  • Clean eaves troughs by hand rather than flushing with a hose need watering
  • Water the lawn only when needed.  A good test is to step on the grass, if it stays flat it is time to water
  • Most lawns need about 1 inch of water a week.  To easily measure this, put an empty tuna can on the lawn where you are watering.  When this is full your grass has had enough
  • Consider adding a soil amendment to your lawn to hold moisture
  • Use a bucket & sponge for washing cars rather than running the hose
  • Use a broom, not water, to clean driveways and sidewalks
  • Consider making or purchasing a rain barrel to water plants in the garden