Contact Information

Emergency Preparedness

Office Phone: 204-729-2239


It is important to realize that after an emergency you may not act like yourself for a while.

Most people caught in an emergency usually feel confused. They may tremble, feel numb, vomit or faint. Immediately after the event they often feel bewildered, overwhelmed, shocked, and relieved to be alive. These feelings and reactions are normal.

Later, many survivors sleep poorly, have no appetite, are angry with those around them, or panic at the slightest hint of a storm. Kids may start thumb sucking or bed wetting. These feelings and reactions are normal, too.


Things to do after an emergency

  • Talk about your feelings.
  • Understand that your feelings are real.
  • Realize that when you suffer a loss, you grieve.
  • Recognize that you need time to heal.
  • Contact any of the Help-Lines listed below. All provide 24-hour crisis line service.




Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
Teen Touch 1-800-563-TEEN
Westman Women's Shelter 204-727-3644 or 1-800-862-2727
Mobile Crisis Unit 204-725-4411 or 1-888-379-7699