Need help reading our website?

We have added the world-leading digital inclusion software, ReachDeck, to our website - making our content more accessible with reading and translation support.

Try it out - it’s free!

Click on the ReachDeck link that appears on the top right corner of your screen to launch the support toolbar. Then simply click on any text to hear it read out loud.

How does ReachDeck help?

ReachDeck offers a host of reading and translation support - helping you to access and understand our website better.

  • text-to-speech: click on or select any text to hear it read aloud
  • translation: written and spoken translations in multiple languages
  • text magnification: enlarges text and reads it out loud
  • mp3 generation: converts selected text into an MP3 audio file
  • screen mask: blocks distractions on screen with a tinted mask
  • web page simplifier: removes clutter from the screen, displaying only the main text
  • settings: customize options to suit individual needs or preferences

All the features are accessed from an easy-to-use, floating toolbar - allowing you to drag and drop it anywhere on screen.

Need support?

Visit, the dedicated support portal from Texthelp - the makers of ReachDeck.